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Fizz Runes

lolvvv Fizz Runes
Fizz RunesLore
Ally Tips
Since Fizz Runes can move through units, find opportunities in lane to walk through minions and apply Seastone Trident's passive - following it up with the ability's active attack after a few seconds.
Fizz Runes's ultimate ability, Chum the Waters, can be aimed at an enemy or towards the area where you think they'll be going.
Fizz Runes's spells scale off Ability Power - consider getting items like Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil against teams that have high burst threat - and items like Lich Bane or Rabadon's Deathcap if you think you can survive without the Health.
Enemy Tips
Fizz Runes's attacks becomes more deadly for a few seconds after he uses his empowered attack - keep him away while his trident is glowing!
Fizz Runes is a slippery target when his abilities are not on cooldown - bait him into using them early and follow up with crowd control or hard-hitting attacks!