Summoner Spells

Starter Items

Core Items

Late Game Items

Spell Skill Priority

Zyra Runes

lolvvv Zyra Runes
Zyra Runes

Ally Tips
Placing a seed in your spell's path after you have cast it gives you the best chance of having a seed in the proper spot.
Seeds grant vision to your team.
Zyra Runes is a great ambusher - look for opportunities to set a trap of seeds in brush, then lure enemies in.
Enemy Tips
Zyra Runes's seeds can be destroyed by stepping on them. If she tries to grow them as you do, dodge back at the last moment.
Moving closer to Zyra Runes can be a smart move if she places plants too far away from herself.
Plants take fixed damage from attacks and effects, similar to wards. They also expire quickly on their own.
Moving the fight to a different area will deprive Zyra Runes of accumulated seeds.
Seeds placed by Zyra Runes's W are larger, a different color, and grant a small amount of vision to her team.